
Personal strengths @ Weakness needs to find out .

personal strengths

Personal strengths, it was really hard part to me to find out my personal strengths and weakness .One day I just ask myself a simple question, how am I? This simple sounding question takes a lot of time, patience and a lot of strong willingness to give an answer. This question touch my values, beliefs, and sense of reality even all of my external and internal perceptions. So it was not an easy part to analyse  all of your own list of the traits that you feel make up the person you are right now. This task takes not more than a week, maybe even longer. I recall my mind when I am busy about my daily duties.  I have to give time to appreciate myself. Now I will share why it was important to me.

Better decision-making:

If I know about my personal strength I am able to make better choices about everything. I can apply to solve my life’s varied problems. Life means I have to face many new tasks every day may be it will be a big problem to find out the solutions. Naturally then we go to the others for seeking help but the main problem is that different people give you different solutions depending on  their external perception of me. It will then more hard to fix your decisions. So if I know better about my weakness and strength, I will be confident to take my decisions. It is very easy to take small decisions like Cooking you will arrange today without stress to big decisions like which partner you’ll spend your life with.

Tolerance of others:

Only the people who is mentally very much strong can tolerance of others. It is very commonly happen to me that some peoples point out my good and bad points with or without causes. I can better understand which of their evaluation I don’t have to accept it or which one have to accept it. I can tolerance of those people and better understand that it’s their external perception of me and they can’t really know me deep down.

Resistance others pressure:

I know better when I have to say ‘no’ and when I want to know ‘ yes’. Any social or family pressure does not move from my values, from my beliefs.

Mentally Stress Relief:

When my outside actions are in accordance with my inside feelings and values, I really experience less inner conflict. Inner conflict is a big thing; it reflects all of my outwards actions.

Self-controlling Power:

Self control power is a big personal strength.When I will know about deep understanding about my strength or weakness I will understand what motivates I have to resist bad habits and develop good ones. I could control myself. I will know which values and goals activate in my  insight with my own willpower .

Personal strengths

Find out your own personal strengths as it will give you confidence. I also think that personal strength make me more clarity, inspiration, and motivation. I can discover my strength Love: Love care and value with other relationship. As caring and sharing commute very important for healthy relationship.Love of learning, Open-mindedness, Creativity, Humanity, Gratitude, Hope, Spirituality are some of biggest personal strength. Find out of yours one and lead a happy and positive life.

